torsdag 10 maj 2012


Today my sister Josefine and her husband Johan shared the hot Valencia weather with us in the swimming pool. Stella and Aina loves to have new friends to play with in the water and it seems like the visitors from Sweden appreciate the sun and the heat.

We had friends over for lunch. Jon, Meta and Alena came all the way from Zaragoza to pick up Anna who will be working with them for the next few days and we all ate salmon that Thorine had cooked. When the cities come together like this (in this case Zaragoza and Valencia) it is encouraging for me who travel from one place to another, because I get the feeling that we are family too. Hopefully Juan Marcos from Madrid will visit us next week, and last weekend Laura and José from Valencia showed up in Madrid. It is fun and inspiring to remember friends in different cities.

It is good to be mindful of your family!

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