onsdag 14 mars 2012

Home schooling

I should not blog about this, because somebody told me that it is against the law to do home schooling in Spain. But the truth is that Thorine is the teacher of Stella and Aina, and our own house is the school building, for the three coming months. I hope that only people who want us to stay in Spain read this blog.

The reason I am taking this risk is that many people ask about how school works out for our daughters. Aina is in pre-school, so she does not have a heavy agenda here. But Stella has quite many things to learn. Thorine usually makes a plan for the day, and Stella and Aina make plans for all the breaks during the day. Meanwhile Daddy is usually sitting by the computer or by the synthesizer.

As I write this the girls are eating Valencia oranges in the garden and Stella is reading for the others from one of her books (part of her school work).

When school is over today we will go into the city to take part in the Fallas.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi,

    thanks for sharing your spanish adventure with us.

    Soooooooo many greetings from Husby,
